
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Salford Evangelical Presbyterian Church (ECPEW)

Salford Evangelical Presbyterian Church (ECPEW)

by Chris Statter

I am a minister in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales. Some years ago, the congregation in Sheffield began an exploratory Bible study in Greater Manchester, where I was born and raised. When I was ordained, I was called to this work, and so Rosemary and I moved to Salford. In January 2018, we began Lord’s Day morning and evening services.

Although there has been substantial investment in Salford recently, there is still material poverty here and the gospel need is great. We are thankful that many have heard the good news of Christ through our witness as a church, and that several have already come to faith and are continuing with us.

Our main need would be for the core membership to be strengthened. We are praying that those already here would be committed and that others would come and join the church. We are especially seeking more mature brothers and sisters who can be examples.

During lock-down, we have been gathering online at our usual service times. It has been good to have visitors attend. It has been a hard time for everyone, but we have found it particularly helpful to use the first question-and-answer of the Heidelberg Catechism and sing together the psalms of lament.

Connect with Salford EPC

Partner with Salford EPC

Interested in learning more about Salford EPC? They are, like many of our church plants, needing more ministry partners to pray for and contribute to this ongoing work. Please get in touch with Chris, with the form below, if you are interested in supporting or just learning more about this work.

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Thoughts on worshipping after the Lockdown

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GRUKology Episode 18: Discussing Race and Racism