
We are Gospel Reformation: UK and our desire is to see the recovery of reformed theology in the United Kingdom.

Amazed by God in Church Planting

Amazed by God in Church Planting

by Michael Cochran

Church planting is hard work. I knew this from the onset. I trained for this. I worked for this. I prayed for this. I was prepared. And yet, I wasn’t. I was not truly prepared for how tiring it would be to pack up, set up, preach, tear down, and pack up again each Sunday. I was not truly prepared for the amount of unpredictability and instability we would face. And I was certainly not prepared to do any of this during a worldwide pandemic. For us, like for many others, COVID-19 has made everything we do at least 10 times harder.

However, in the midst of all of this uncertainty, I am amazed by God (conveniently the title of our next Zoomutopia 3)!

1. I’m amazed by God allowing me to do this work

I know my own heart, my own sins, and my own failings, and I sometimes joke — who let me do this!? I am humbled and honoured that God has given me this call. It is a great privilege and a joy to preach and to shepherd this flock. It’s wonderful to be going through the book of Acts in our morning worship and thinking through the implications for us as a brand new church.

2. I’m amazed by God and the work he has already done

Much of the work that has taken place to get our church plant to this point was done before I arrived on the scene. I’m amazed at all the work that God has done in laying the foundation for our church plant. As the book of Acts shows, the Lord Jesus reigns and rules. Jesus is building his church, and it’s amazing to look back and see all the work that preceded me.

3. I’m amazed by God and the work he is doing

Just as the work was started before me, so God is still at work gathering and providing. This doesn’t mean we are without challenges, but it is amazing to see how the Lord provides. I can think of many examples of divine providence we have seen in recent weeks, from a lovely and affordable rented facility, to new families in attendance. It is encouraging to see the Lord’s work unfolding in our midst.

4. I’m amazed by God in Jesus Christ

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…” We’ve heard it sung so many times, perhaps it’s easy for our hearts to become dulled to its meaning. But the simple truth is that our God, and what he has done for us in Jesus Christ, is nothing short of amazing. We preach the gospel and plant churches because we are amazed that God became man and dwelt among us, in order to redeem us. When we couldn’t, he could. Amazing. I invite you to join us for our next Zoomutopia 3. The best thing we can do during this time of challenges and uncertainty is have a grander view of God. I need it. You need it. The church needs it. And there’s only one way to find it.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

—Helen Howarth Lemmel From the hymn Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.


Register now for Zoomutopia 3 and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Zoomutopia 3: Conference Videos

Zoomutopia 3: Conference Videos

Amazed by God: Book Giveaway

Amazed by God: Book Giveaway